Saturday, 19 March 2011

Finally going home :D

Waiting for the final flight at Schiphol, Amsterdam.

What are your plans for easter break?

Me, I'm going to Rome. And I'm gonna write to essays = 6000 words. yay!


Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Work, Work, and 365q

It's Tuesday.  I'm sitting on a beanbag in the hub doing work with my friends before my TV seminar.
This is what I'm working on; a script for a film project (Don't judge, it's pretty shit at the moment).
Week 7 next term, all hell breaks loose. Well, actually, I hope all hell breaks loose a little before that, because that's when everything's due. 2 essays 3000 words each, 1 film project, 1 sound project (both with individual and group reports), and one exam on image and sound technologies. It all comes together at around 13000 words (Minus exams and work done for preproduction for the projects). It's months away, but I'm already swamped. Easter break won't be a break at all :p 
My course mates and I have recently realised that we need to nip this in the bud, and start early, so every day we convene and do about 3-4 hours of work together. It's so much easier to concentrate away from stuffy dorm rooms. And here I am, blogging, NOT doing work. Haha.

My brother came to visit last week, which was nice! Here's a picture of us:

Before I end this post; have you seen ? It's really cool, a guy is taking a photo everyday with inspirational quotes. Here's an example

I like it :)

Until next time,


Saturday, 5 March 2011

Saturday and Precordial Catch Syndrome.


Studying hard on a saturday after a night out and a brunch with about 9000 calories.

Loving it. Also, on friday my Anatomy teacher had a lecture on the pulmanory system (lungs), and I finally got an answer to something that has bugged me for centuries. I and many many many other people have something called Precordial Catch Syndrome. A sudden pain near the heart that lasts for about 1-3 minutes and then suddenly dissapears. It is completely benign, but the cause is unknown. Cool beans.

Song of the afternoon

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Massive shop, Poker and Architecture

When you go to the store to do a shop, you have two options.
1. You can buy just what you need that day and maybe the next. 
2. You can buy all the stuff you need for this week, and maybe the next and the next after that.

I decided to go with option 2.

I really like living in the UK, cause that means having access to the greatest store in the world-- TESCO.
Tesco is amazing, people. They deliver everything you need right to your door. This means that you can do your shopping from bed, if you'd like (That's what I did, lol!)  I must say though, all of this food is not all mine, we were about 6 people doing a massive shop toghether, close to 300 quid! Aaahhh I love Tesco <3

Last night the boys and I played a round of poker. We wanted to play in one of these awesome little illuminated pods on the lake in front of the hub.
Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to, sooo we played inside the hub instead. It's a masssssive building that was just finished on the new campus, where I live.

(Notice that I was winning at this point!) Sadly, I did lose though. I get easily bored :p
So I decided to sit upside-down in the sofa, and I captured this picture:

I like the style of this building. It reminds me of a train station or something. And it has a wonderful place called 'the island of interaction'. And you will never know what wonders it holds. :D

Going to do some work now :( 


Thursday, 24 February 2011

Mind is blown

Today, I had two sound practicals. In the first one we just messed around in Pro Tools (Audio mixing hardware/software) and learned about audio clipping (which is when the levels go red and distortion occurs). We made sine waves that we later clipped, and played around with filters. This is an example of a clipped waveform, if you were just tingling with curiosity as to how it looks.

In the second one we got divided into groups, and taken into the foley studio, and the recording suite

It was pretty sick! We did ADR (which is basically what you can call pick-up recording of dialogue) on a scene from Blade Runner. I'd never seen an industry standard mixing desk and all that jazz before, so I was pretty amazed. So many knobs and dials, I wonder if I will be able to remember it all!

Unfortunately there was no time left, so I didn't get to go to to foley today, but I hope I will get a chance at tomorrow's practical. A foley studio looks like this btw:

That is all!


Wednesday, 23 February 2011


This poster has been hanging in the corridor at least forever, and I just realised today that it looks like Alfred

Woot woot!

In other news, I'm finally rid of my flu, and I had cod for lunch. I am currently working on sound notes, which means that I am basically just copying the powerpoint slides from the lecture into my notebook. That's all I'm doing. No original thoughts, or indeed effort, going into it. :3

Currently working on bit rates, bit depth, sampling and anti aliasing filters.

Oh, and I cleaned my room.



Design of everyday artifacts.


Bored reading for my test, so I started brainstorming for my new assignment - Design/redesign an everyday artifact. Our group has not yet decided yet what to do, but we got a handout suggesting we brainstorm certain topics, one of them was money/coins. How to make better coins? 5 minute brainstorm:

Monday, 21 February 2011


Just HAD to share this, actually. BigBang is probably my favourite band in the world. Their music is so energizing and blissfull. Makes me miss summer all the time

New album out in a few weeks!! :D


First post!

So, I was in the shower... No wait, that's a different story

< boring part >
During my hours insomnia last night I had an Idea that I wanted to blog, something I've done in the past, but only for two posts, then I've found something better to do. Had an even better idea that I wanted to share a blog with someone. Asked (by asked, i mean persuaded and threatened) Alfie since we're in the same-ish situation, and voila! < / boring part >

I plan to give Alfred challenges n stuff, just so we have something to write about while we're here. By here I mean in the UK. Oh yeah, and he's in Loughborough and I'm in York.

I'll keep it short.

But I'm not done yet! : D

Here's a picture of where I live

Alfred, the floor is yours!


What the?


Så jeg og Linn fant ut at vi skulle drive med dette blog greiene. Jeg hadde en for leeeeengesiden på myspace. Ja det er sant, på myspace. Fy faen, jeg hadde blog på myspace! Ellers, vet ikke helt hva som skal stå her eller hva som kommer til å ende opp på siden, vet ikke jeg skal skrive på Norsk eller English.

Men ok, kommer nok sikkert til å legge ut masse rare ting. Og siden både jeg og Linn studerer i England så kommer det nok til å ende med at vi legger ut litt om det.

Blogin like a BAWS!

(og ja, kanskje litt musikk her og der!)
